


還有我在他的格文中學到了怎麼分辨Chanel Classic Flap 和 Chanel Reissue 2.55.


Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater
(無論你給女人什麼, 她都有辦法讓它變的更好)

Give her a house, she will give you a home,
(給她一間房子, 她會給你一個溫暖的家)

Give her groceries, she will give you a meal,
(給她食物, 她會弄出豐盛的一餐)

Give her a smile, she will give you her heart,
(給她一個笑容, 她把整顆心都交給你)
She multiplies & enlarges what she is given,
 (女人所收到的, 她都可以將它加倍&擴大)

So if you.... give her crap,
(所以, 如果你給她屎跟垃圾) 

be ready.... to receive a ton of it !!
(那你要有心裏準備, 你會收到一堆XXXXX)



年年熱賣的 Chanel Classic Flap 和 最近很紅的 Chanel Reissue 2.55.區分

兩款的區別. 最大的不同 就是在於它 lucks 的設計. 有雙 C luck 的就是Classic, 長方型 luck 的就是 Reissue 2.55.

店員一直跟我說 2.55 這款是 09 年的限量款(金色的). 如果是喜歡標新立異, 與眾不同的人就買 2.55.

如果是走保守路線, 就買每年都有出的 classic flap (深咖啡色). 正在兩難的時後.有一位路過的歐巴桑問我,

 這個包包多少錢? 我說有雙 C 的兩千六百, 沒有雙C 的三千塊. 歐巴桑一語打醒夢中人

:  "If I am going to pay that much, I will go with the one with Chanel logo".

(就是說花那麼多錢, 一定要買一個高調一點的) 呵!! 感謝這位路過的歐巴桑. .

這算是我的第一個 Chanel 包包. 還是走保守一點的路線吧! 買高調一點的雙C

[ Chanel Classic Flap vs. Chanel Reissue 2.55 的不同處]

1. Closure/locks
Classic has the double CC turn-style lock (有雙C鎖的)
The Reissue has the Mademoiselle lock (rectangle shape)( 長方型鎖的)
2. The handle
Classic has leather interwoven between the chain links
The Reissue has an all chain handle
3. Leather
Reissue has a different type of leather, that is distressed calf-skin
4. Flap
All The Reissues have a double flap
Only the small and medium classic have double flaps
5. Size


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